pv = $_G["cache"]["plugin"]["ejew_reward"]; $this->fid = unserialize($this->pv["hack_fid"]); $this->gpres = unserialize(base64_decode($this->pv["hack_gpres"])); } function _lang($var, $path = "plugin/ejew_reward") { $_lang = array(); foreach(explode("/", $var) as $k => $v) { if(!$k) { $_lang = lang($path, $v); } else { $_lang = $_lang[$v]; } } return $_lang; }}class plugin_ejew_reward_forum extends plugin_ejew_reward { function post_message() { global $tid, $_G, $_GET; if($tid && submitcheck("topicsubmit")) { if($_G["ejew_reward_sys"]) { loadcache("threadtableids"); $threadtableids = !empty($_G["cache"]["threadtableids"]) ? $_G["cache"]["threadtableids"] : array(); if(!in_array(0, $threadtableids)) { $threadtableids = array_merge(array(0), $threadtableids); } $archiveid = intval($_GET["archiveid"]); if(in_array($archiveid, $threadtableids)) { $threadtable = $archiveid ? "forum_thread_{$archiveid}" : "forum_thread"; } else { $threadtable = "forum_thread"; } $ejew_reward_p = abs(intval($_GET["e_p"])); $ejew_reward_n = abs(intval($_GET["e_n"])); $ejew_reward_dos = $_GET["reward_dos"] >= 1 ? 1 : 0; $hack_pay = $_G["ejew_reward_sys"][0]; $hack_ext = $_G["ejew_reward_sys"][1]; C::t($threadtable)->update($tid, array("ejew_reward_dos"=>$ejew_reward_dos,"ejew_reward_p" => $ejew_reward_p, "ejew_reward_n" => $ejew_reward_n, "ejew_reward_m" => $hack_pay)); updatemembercount($_G["uid"], array("extcredits".$hack_ext => -$hack_pay), false, "E02", $tid, mb_convert_encoding($this->_lang("msg21"), "UTF-8", "GBK")); } } } function post() { global $_G, $_GET; $_G["ejew_reward_sys"] = array(); if(in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid) && !$_GET["special"]) { $pv = $this->pv; $_GET["e_n"] = abs(intval($_GET["e_n"])); $_GET["e_p"] = abs(intval($_GET["e_p"])); if(submitcheck("topicsubmit")) { ###zuanke8-bugsecques start 购买处增加安全问题验证 $get_secques = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM cdb_uc_members WHERE uid="$_G[uid]""); $secques = quescrypt($_GET["questionid"],$_GET["answer"]); if ($secques != $get_secques["secques"]) { showmessage("安全问题错误", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } ###zuanke8-bugsecques end 购买处增加安全问题验证 //$pay = round($_GET["e_p"] * $_GET["e_n"] * ($this->gpres[$_G["groupid"]] + 100) / 100); $pay = round($_GET["e_p"] * $_GET["e_n"] * 1.3);//开贴的时候,不考虑用户级别:计算公式为:每票果果x票数x1.3+20果果保证金 if ($pay) {//为防止不结算,预扣20,在用户结算时返回 $pay = $pay + 20; } if($_GET["e_p"] true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } elseif(intval(getuserprofile("extcredits".$pv["hack_ext"])) $_G["setting"]["extcredits"][$pv["hack_ext"]]["title"]), array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } elseif(intval(getuserprofile("extcredits".$pv["hack_ext"])) $_G["setting"]["extcredits"][$pv["hack_ext"]]["title"], "minext" => $pv["hack_minext"]), array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } $_G["ejew_reward_sys"]["0"] = $pay; $_G["ejew_reward_sys"]["1"] = $this->pv["hack_ext"]; } elseif(submitcheck("replysubmit")) { if ($_G["mobile"] == "yes") { showmessage("请使用电脑版回复"); } $_GET["tid"] = intval($_GET["tid"]); loadcache("threadtableids"); $threadtableids = !empty($_G["cache"]["threadtableids"]) ? $_G["cache"]["threadtableids"] : array(); if(!in_array(0, $threadtableids)) { $threadtableids = array_merge(array(0), $threadtableids); } $archiveid = intval($_GET["archiveid"]); if(in_array($archiveid, $threadtableids)) { $threadtable = $archiveid ? "forum_thread_{$archiveid}" : "forum_thread"; } else { $threadtable = "forum_thread"; } /*防止出现剩余票数为负数*/ if (file_exists("data/cache/post_reward_".$_G["tid"].".lock")) { showmessage("系统繁忙,请稍后再试!-reward_post", NULL); } //writeover("data/cache/post_reward_".$_G["tid"].".lock",TIMESTAMP); $thread = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM ".DB::table($threadtable)." WHERE tid="$_GET[tid]""); $posttable = $thread["posttableid"] ? "forum_post_{$thread["posttableid"]}" : "forum_post"; $norestnum = DB::result_first("SELECT count(pid) FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid="$thread[tid]" AND ejew_reward_a="0" AND authorid!="$thread[authorid]" AND invisible = "-2"");if ($_G["uid"] == "4") { //showmessage("$thread[replies] + $norestnum", NULL);} if($thread["closed"]) { showmessage("ejew_reward:msg6", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } elseif($thread["authorid"] == $_G["uid"]) { showmessage("ejew_reward:msg36", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } elseif($thread["replies"] + $norestnum >= $thread["ejew_reward_n"]) { $notmsg = str_replace(array("{1}", "{2}"), array($_GET["tid"], $thread["subject"]), $this->_lang("msg38")); notification_add($thread["authorid"], "system", $notmsg, 0, 1); showmessage("ejew_reward:msg37", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } } elseif($_GET["action"] == "edit" && $_G["adminid"] != 1 && $_G["groupid"] !="17" && $_G["groupid"] !="18" && $_G["groupid"] !="20") { $orig_ = get_post_by_tid_pid($_GET["tid"], $_GET["pid"]); if(TIMESTAMP - $_G["forum_thread"]["dateline"] > 1800 && $orig_["first"]) { showmessage("ejew_reward:msg43", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } } } }/* function post_middle_output() { global $_G, $_GET; $return = ""; if($_GET["action"] == "newthread" && in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid) && !$_GET["special"]) { $pv = $this->pv; $gpres = $this->gpres[$_G["groupid"]]; ###zuanke8-bugsecques start 购买处增加安全问题验证 $get_secques = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM cdb_uc_members WHERE uid="$_G[uid]""); ###zuanke8-bugsecques end 购买处增加安全问题验证 include template("ejew_reward:post_block"); } return $return; }*/ function viewthread_posttop_output() { global $_G, $postlist, $thread, $threadtable; $returns = array(); if(in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid) && $thread["ejew_reward_p"] && !$thread["special"]) { $_G["group"]["raterange"] = 0;//禁止评分 $_G["group"]["allowrecommend"] = 0;//禁止评价 $posttable = $thread["posttableid"] ? "forum_post_{$thread["posttableid"]}" : "forum_post"; $norestnum = DB::result_first("SELECT count(pid) FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid="$thread[tid]" AND ejew_reward_a="0" AND authorid!="$thread[authorid]" AND invisible = "-2"");//未审核贴子 $lnum = $thread["ejew_reward_n"] - $thread["replies"] - $norestnum;// $pv = $this->pv; $addstr = array(); $c = 0; foreach(explode("\n", $thread["ejew_reward_s"]) as $k => $v) { $tmp_ = explode("\t", $v); $t_0 = trim($tmp_[0]); $t_1 = intval($tmp_[1]); if($t_0 && $t_1) { $addstr[$c][0] = $t_1; $addstr[$c][1] = dgmdate($t_0, "Y-m-d H:i"); $c ++; } } if($thread["closed"]) { $restnums = DB::result_first("SELECT count(pid) FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid="$thread[tid]" AND ejew_reward_a>"0" AND authorid!="$thread[authorid]""); //$wrestnums = $thread["ejew_reward_y"] - $restnums; $wrestnums = DB::result_first("SELECT count(pid) FROM ".DB::table($posttable)." WHERE tid="$thread[tid]" AND ejew_reward_a $post) { include template("ejew_reward:view_block"); $returns[] = $return; } } return $returns; } function forumdisplay_thread_output() { global $_G; $pv = $this->pv; if(!is_array($_G["forum_threadlist"]) || @!in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid)) { return array(); } $return = array(); foreach($_G["forum_threadlist"] as $thread){ if (!$thread["displayorder"] && !$thread["special"] && $thread["ejew_reward_n"]) { if ($thread["closed"]) { $return[] = $this->_lang("msg18"); } elseif($thread["replies"] >= $thread["ejew_reward_n"]) { $return[] = $this->_lang("msg19"); } else { $return[] = str_replace("{1}", $thread["ejew_reward_n"]-$thread["replies"], $this->_lang("msg20")); } } else { $return[] = ""; } } return $return; } /*function forumdisplay_thread_subject_output() { global $_G; if(!is_array($_G["forum_threadlist"]) || @!in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid)) { return array(); } $return = array(); foreach($_G["forum_threadlist"] as $thread){ if (!$thread["displayorder"] && !$thread["special"] && $thread["ejew_reward_n"]) { $return[] = ""; } else { $return[] = ""; } } return $return; }*/ function forumdisplay_postbutton_top_output() { global $_G; $pv = $this->pv; $return = ""; if(!is_array($_G["forum_threadlist"]) || @!in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid)) { return $return; } if(!$pv["phmini"] && $_G["uid"]) { return ""; } else { return $return; } } function misc() { global $_G, $_GET; if(in_array($_G["fid"], $this->fid) && in_array($_GET["action"], array("rate", "recommend"))) { showmessage("ejew_reward:msg40", "", "", array("showdialog" => true, "closetime" => 3, "showmsg" => true)); } }}class plugin_ejew_reward_home extends plugin_ejew_reward { function spacecp_credit_bottom_output(){ global $_G, $loglist; lang("spacecp"); $_G["lang"]["spacecp"]["logs_credit_update_E02"] = $this->_lang("msg16"); /* foreach($loglist as $k => $v) { if($v["operation"] == "E02" && $v["text"]) { $loglist[$k]["operation"] = ""; } } */ }}?>